Leave the competition—and your limits—on a cliff.
The creators of the world’s first hyper realistic wingsuit simulator invite you to join the JUMP Squad. Squad members enjoy digital and real-world benefits including free JUMP passes, access to exclusive events, in-game access points, ultra-rare airdrops, and surprise giveaways. Did we mention our NFTs will come with a custom AR display? Yeah, they’re that cool.

Benefits / utility
- ONE FREE JUMP:$119 value
- LIMITLESS CLOUT:Automatic Limitless Clout after first jump
- 50% off every JUMP for you + 1 person every time you JUMP - JUMP AVATAR:NFT to use as Avatar at JUMP (NFT Exclusive)
- 6-8 month buildout after mint - EASTER EGG QUEST:In-Flight quest with a $25k prize exclusive to NFT holders
- NFT 2.0:JUMP Squad NFT 2.0 Airdrop
“Nobody ever changed the world by doing what everyone else was doing.”
— Mark Cuban
We’ve created a series of checkpoints for our team. Once we reach a specific sell-through percentage, we’ll drop in and complete the goal.

Sep. 22nd 2022
1 Eth community puzzle giveaway

Ends Oct 14th 2022
1 Eth giveaway to highest discord invite list

Q3 2023
Mobile game drop. (iOS & Android)

Q4 2023
JUMP Squad NFT 2.0 10k collection
long term goals

Creation of mobile jump bays to travel worldwide for major events exclusive
- This is one of our biggest goals to date for the NFT community as what it will be is mobile jump bay hangers, where we can take these to massive events such as EDC,NFTNYC, ART Basil, and so many more places to get our holders exclusive access and first rights to jump, where only the holders of The Jump Squad, performer’s, and speakers are able to get into this experience. Our goal will be to start the 6-12 month process of engineer work and design to take these mobile by 2025 after our V2 launch, due to the cost of engineering around 2-3million USD Lite paper and design work will be uploaded soon

Check back weekly to learn how you can earn a spot on our whitelist. Want to be notified the minute we have more details?
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